Please note: ZooCommunity does not host any sexually explicit content. It is a place for discussion, debate, help and emotional support in regards to an attraction to non-human animals, also known as zoosexuality or zoophilia. x

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yes. they always ask "are you into zoo" or "are you into beast" when they see i am a zoophile. a lot of people don't understand it. they don't see animals as their partners, or people, they see animals, specifically interspecies relations, as some kind of kink. it's very similar to how transgender people are reduced to our parts, and on adult sites we are usually referred to by something about our genitals, or something you would call a crossdresser. porn rots people's brains a bit.
sorry went on a bit of a rant there. it just makes me mad. if you see someone as beneath you, not a person, you can't truly love them, and when someone says "into zoo" it is really telling how they see animals.
Honestly, that's so true, these people don't see animals as equals, that's why when they say "zoos only see animals as objects" I think they're projecting, cuz to them, that's all animals really are, mindless beings who's sole propose is to serve us, when in reality they're just as complex, developed and flawed as we are
Playing devil's advocate here, but I think the assumption that kinksters don't respect the animals may not always hold true, even if it's commonly the case. *Technically* I don't think the two are incompatible. I can think of situations where a kinkster would treat the animal as equal without a romantic bond being necessary; the most basic example being a submissive respecting the animal as an equal, or even someone "above" themselves. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
To be zoo you must love the animal, that love can be Sexual, Romantic, or Platonic. But when you love another there is a certain amount of "care for" and "respect of" the other that is implied. Provided those things are true, harm to the animal is unlikely. Beyond that all these titles are all just words. The problem lies where one of those things is not true, without care the animals general welfare suffers. And without respect the animals opinions and autonomy as an individual are discarded as
irrelevant, meaning they have no more value than an object.
Yeah, it's nothing to do with being a kinkster. We generally have a better idea about what kink entails, these days, and so referring to those bad ones as "fetish seekers" or "kinksters" isn't going to fit well. If the specific reason they're looking at animals is as a way to be 'wrong', i.e. seeking that taboo, that seems to fit much better, which is why I tend to say "taboo seeker" now when I'm talking about the ZETA principles.
It makes sense, and I agree that such approach is part of the problem, especially when "wrong" is supposed to mean "degrading". Yet I feel that "taboo" may be too broad of a term - even a loving caring zoo relationship may qualify as taboo. And still I can imagine a situation where such "taboo seeking" may not cause harm, as per my previous example: a submissive who's into being subservient to dogs. It's definitely taboo, but chances are the animals wouldn't be forced or mistreated.
I think "degrading" the animals is the problem: stripping them of their agency, individuality and making them only means to an end. (Sadly we know this is pretty common even in everyday life.) I don't know an accurate word for describing people who harbor such views, I just feel not all kinksters qualify. There's the hope that educating them instead of shunning may result in less harm.
hey, not really sure where to ask this. But does anyone know what happened to zooville? I pop in there once or twice a year and it seems to be down. rip
Zooville suffers a lot from DDOS attacks and the like, so can be down a lot more than ZooCommunity or Zoocadia. But it is still very much alive at.
Thank you, HugDoggy. I've briefly looked at Zoocadia, but don't remember it. Is it a new website?
It was set up Dec 2023 I've always found it a friendly and caring place, Zooville not so much.
I'll have to check it out, then.
Awoo awoo!
For Zoo Pride Week coming up Zooey magazine has a 2 question survey out: What does the zoo community mean to you? Why is it important for you to be connected to other zoos? And Too many people see animals as all the same with no individuality. As zoos, we know this isn't true. What's the thing that makes the special animal in your life unique? The best Answers may be used in Zooey articles.
I was here, briefly. I don't really have the energy to read a whole year's worth of posts, but a few people might find it interesting I poked my snoot in. Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi CeresFallen nice to see you again, I hope you had a good year since we saw you last.
Hi everyone, just wanted to let everyone know that I'm new here and open to answering any questions about myself or just chatting.

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